Wednesday 6 February 2019

Chapel Doors

November 12, 2018

So real quick we are going down to Winnipeg today so pday for us is gonna be moved to someday here at the end of the week, we don't know when we wanna do it yet but if I don't get back to you today it's cause we didn't have time to do a quick email to everyone. 

This week started out pretty good. We did fhe on Monday with the Basallos, Able, and Dillan (dill pickle) all the basallo kids call Dillan that ha-ha poor guy. The fhe lesson was short and sweet, took a whole 5 min and then we played the game life for close to 3hrs! 

Tuesday it was stupid cold out, only - 20 with the wind chill but that's pretty cold right now. 
Had DC (district council) in the morning with the sisters. When we got to the church we noticed someone had closed the doors to the chapel, as we got closer and tried to open them our fears were confirmed, they were locked... All our stuff we needed for DC was in there like the computer and the tv and yeah so it wasn't off to a good start. On the panic scale of 1-10 I was about a 2, Allen on the other hand was about an 8. He wasn't sayin anything but you could see it ha-ha
Me I pulled out my subway gift card that I keep in my coat as a window scraper and stuck it down in between the door and the frame and went to work but about 5 seconds in I decided I was gonna need a more heavy-duty tool to do this one, so I went to the kitchen and got a butter knife! By the time Allen figured out what I was doing the door was open! He was like "what... How did you do that! Like what...!? If I ever need to break into a place I know who I'm going to!" it was pretty funny.
After DC and all that we cleared some snow for the hinds and Wendy since they are old and they like to visit with us after we're done (and feed us). 
Spent the rest of the evening tryin to find ways we could be productive without freezing to death, didn’t do super well with not freezing but we did alright!

Wednesday, we spent some time doing service and visiting with bro. He had lots to talk about this week on the topic of the future and how we won't have to even wait in lines anymore when we go to the stores, we can just puck up what we want and walk out and it'll take what we got off our cards. Talked about how we will soon be able to go from one end of the world to the other in just a few short hrs through an air tight tube under the oceans water level. Also brought up how soon robots are gonna take over all our jobs and all we are gonna have left to do is fix them. 
When he wasn’t takin about how the future is gonna be he was talking about recycling tires and making diesel out of them or vehicles run by a wood burning stove in the back. 

Thursday was spent cleaning out the back room again which we finished by the way!! Friday pres. basallo came and helped us load the old computers to the dump so that finalized the cleaning of the back room!
After we got studies and a few stop bys done we headed out to Nelson house to see some people out there. Sadly, the people we went to see weren't around, but we did find a new potential! His name is Grant, he's the little brother of our investigator Timothy that I still haven't met yet, but grant he said he had to kick Timothy out of the house cause he was wrecking things so now we gotta go on a man hunt to find Timothy and Evarea.

Friday, we did our weekly planning and dump run with pres. basallo. Wendy the older lady we do service for had us come shopping with her in the morning, she gave us 50 (so 25 each) and basically said run wild and get what you want while I do my shopping then I can get some good air miles! So, we did!
Volleyball night over at the school ended up not happening so that was kinda sad, but it was good in the end cause it got us out tracting. Found a few potentials in the last hr of the night! 
One old guy we knocked into is named Terry. Terry almost ran us off his step the first 5 seconds of us being there but somehow, we ended up there for 15 minutes listening to all his crazy stories. Turns out Terry is a x navy seal who uses his time served to his advantage. He has a number that is used for the navy 7734, says it was used for him and his wife when he got called out because I'd you turn it upside down it spells hell. 
Terry lost his wife 6 weeks ago to cancer, they were married 53yrs and he's pretty lonely from what we could tell and he misses her quite a bit. All his stories were about her and all the crazy stuff they’d do together. 
He told us what RCMP actually stands for. He told us that one day at McDonalds there was a cop getting mad at a drunk and treating him bad, so Terry he walked up there and yelled allowed "RCMP! You know what that stands for!? Royal Canadian Manitoba punk! (he used a different work for punk when he told the story) I usually would say punk but my wife's not here so I used the other word today!" he said the cop had no idea what to do cause he was all embarrassed, so he left ha-ha
Also told how he was taking to a cop at McDonalds with his wife and he noticed the gun on his belt wasn't strapped in, so he whipped it out and pulled the stock off and set it before him on the table before the guy even knew what was going on and said "you best be strapping that gun in there, some kid might shoot your foot off if you don't!" he also said that guy walked out kinda in a huff, but came back with his constable and told him the whole story tryin to get him in trouble but the constable said "he's right" (Terry) and let him off the hook ha-ha Judy his wife as they were waking out said "hey Terry what's that you got in your hand?!" (Terry had the firing pin in his hand) he laughed cause she knew darn well what he had in his hand but the cop hand the realized it was missing so he finally gave it back to him. 
He told us many other crazy stories like those but I'll save those for when I get home cause those would make this a long email, he was super fun to talk to though. 

Saturday, we had the usual with the boys, games and a lesson in the afternoon. We helped Able and Dillan get their seminary homework done which was just reading the 3 and 8 witnesses and then bearing testimony of a gospel principle, went pretty decent actually! Usually it's kinda hard to get them to do things like a testimony but this time was good.
In the morning we went to the insurance place here and got Allen a new licence since his temporary one expires tomorrow and his actual one hasn't come in yet. 
Went and visited the hinds and gave them their Thompson branch conversion story book after we shoveled their driveways and walk, which they were happy for. 
Spent the evening with pres. basallo doing the branch ministry list trying to figure out who's good for who and all that fun stuff the branch clerks and leadership get to help with. Found out that most everyone in the branch that we don't know has a phone number that isn't in service so that was funny to watch pres. as he called all the people and got the same answer to almost all of them "we're sorry the number you have dialed in not in service."
"Sorry! Sorry! Not n service!" he'd say every time he'd get that answer in his philpino accent ha-ha it was pretty good. 

Sunday was busy, being clerk and a missionary at the same time is pretty wild on Sundays. Once church was done we spent from 12 - 12.30 in a meeting for ministering and then right after that we were doing tithing till 1.45. Then we drove down to Nelson house for church but ended up not having anyone coming once we found them. When we do church in Nelson house we can't call people cause they don't have a phone and so when we get to Nelson house we have to find them. We usually we find that they have moved or something like that from the place they were in last week so it makes finding them super fun, usually end up knocking 3 or 4 doors in the area they told us they might be in order to find them. 
But yeah, we didn't have anyone at church there so we drove home, did some more clerk stuff with pres. till 6.30, did indicators, and then finished off the night at the Basallos place for dinner! And that about finishes up our week here in Thompson!

Well love ya all talk to you next week! 

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