Tuesday 17 April 2018

Can't Stop the Mormons!

April 16,2018
                          The day he entered the MTC and a picture from this week.
                         Who knew a guy could make a mini van look so good! lol

This week had been good. Went by super-fast! Feels like pday was 2 days ago almost. 

Had ZC this Tuesday in Regina. Did nor training on the phones and got taught how to use the area book app on the phone.... It's so hard to use this stuff! President wants us to do an hr. a day transferring records over from our book to the phone, and he wants in done in 2-3 weeks. The first day doing it between me and Abadicio we got 2 names put over in an hr.... Ha-ha it was so bad. Slowly we are figuring it out a bit better and it's going faster but man does it take a lot of time. The other day we did 2hrs of area book transferring and that was rough! If I can get the video to send you can see what we did to break up the time a bit. 

The weather here has been decently nice! We were in the plus 2-5 the past couple days! No sun but it was still alright. I had to take my scarf off and undo my coat the one day! Spring is coming!! Finally. Maybe?

We've done hardly any tracting this week with ZC and dinners and lessons so that’s been a nice change! But we need to get back out and knocking or we are gonna have no investigators soon. 

A couple days ago we were out knocking and with all this warm weather the snow is melting and making mini lakes on the roads and sidewalks, so it's made tracting an adventure. One house I think thought they were safe from us coming to their door, because it had a big puddle in the driveway and all across the front end of the house. We couldn't cross it without getting wet. But that didn't stop us! (It stopped me, but not Abadicio!) Ha-ha I got a good video of him running through the knee high water to their place. He tried to get me to pay him 5$ to do it but I wasn't gonna do that! So I said "I'll video you doing it!" that was good enough for him I guess, cause he did it! Ha-ha

Can’t stop the Mormons!

Had dinner out at the Regniers Thursday night. For a thought after we did he Helaman 5:12 and then I smashed my finger with a big bean can on a book of Mormon to show how If we are built on a solid foundation we'll be fine when the adversary comes! Ha-ha Sis Regnier and her daughter shay had pretty good reactions when I did it. They thought my finger was done for. I got a pretty good laugh out of it. I tried to get them to do it after, but nope they wouldn't do it. President did it though!

Went up to Redvers Saturday to see some long lost members from the Philippines up there. But first we helped move a family in Estevan. I’ve come to find that physical labor is really where you find who knows how to work and who doesn't ha-ha it's a painful sight to see so many guys not be able to move "heavy" things on their own or that have to put it down after a few steps because they are tired...! Most the guys helping move with us were in there 20s! It was interesting. 

Anyway after that us and President Regnier went up to Redvers to see that family, and man am I glad that we made it there and back alive! I didn't think we were going to make it the hr. and a half to Redvers alive.... President if I wasn't taking to him or he wasn't talking to me would fall asleep almost, and we'd be pretty well in the ditch at times! Ah it was scary! Ha-ha but we made it there and back! Depending on which side of the road president was slowly drifting towards I would spend most the time there and back hugging the opposite side of the car 

(As if that would save me) but it made me think I was alright ha-ha 

Fun times.

Well that's about all for exciting things this week! Did the usual tracting, and transferring area book type stuff the rest of the time. Over all a decent week!

Love ya all, talk to ya next week. 

Spring might be here the end of the month!!


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