Saturday, 16 February 2019

Last Zone Conference

January 21, 2019

Well this week was kinda a gong show with ZC popping up in the middle of it, and people tryin to throw down with some of the elders in our zone at McDonalds after.

Tuesday was a bit on the cold and windy side of life, but wasn't terrible at some points. For the most last we managed to stay sheltered.
In the morning I did my first week of my plan (the program that they have dying missionaries do their last 6 weeks) so that was interesting. All it had me do was recognize the blessings God has given to me in my life, so I went through and wrote those down, super simple section. We'll see how the rest of the plan goes when we get to the dating and marriage section.
Drove out to a little town about 45min away from us to contact a referral that we got from one of the sisters in Winnipeg. She warned us in the referral note that the lady we were going to meet didn't speak a lot of English, but when we got out there the lady we talked to didn't speak hardly any... She knew "no English, only French" and "no English, sorry." guess that's what happens when you live in a small French community, you don't learn much English. So that was a fun road trip just to find that we couldn't talk with her, but we made the best of the situation and stopped by some members around the area as we drove home. 
By the time we got home it was past time for dinner so we did dinner, and then we went out and did a couple stop bys around town till about 8. 8.00 we did companion study while we waited for the Brandon elders to show up so they could stay the night with us.

Wednesday was ZC day, and my last one.
So, we all got up and got ready to go into Winnipeg and be seated at the church by 10. 
ZC was good, we learned a lot about key indicators and how we can bring those up and baptize every week in our mission and zones. 
Also learned about our new mission plan which used to me call the inspired plan, but pres. Hitchcock likes change so he did a similar thing like the inspired plan we usually get but slightly different. The inspired plan/ mission plan is basically a list of attributes and actions we will take and live as CANada WINnipeg missionaries.
Talked a lot about goals and the new way we are going to set baptismal goals as a mission. It's no longer a yearly goal, it'll be a monthly goal, so rather than a goal of 180 or 204 for the yr. it's going to be what we feel should be the month goal as a mission, which I think is a better way to do this.
Also talked about developing Christlike attributes, and how we can improve the use of safeguards with our technology. 
After ZC all 22 of us decided to go to McDonalds for dinner, so we all drove to the closest one and caused problems there for a bit. Before we even got there this McDonalds was already kinda busy, and then we walked in so everyone was squished in there kinda close while tryin to order food. By the time some of us had ordered there was some walking room again through the place so we spread out to try and not block up everything. I was over by the pickup counter with a couple other elders and sisters when we heard some yelling over by the other missionaries so we looked and there was this little guy getting up in elder Morganson's face sayin that he tried to trip him as he walked by, and how Christ wouldn't do that to someone! Even told Morganson's to come on outside and they could settle this haha Morganson is 6' 300lbs give or take, and this guy was mine and Keston's size! In the end they didn't fight but I'm sure if Morganson wasn't a missionary he woulda took him in on it just for fun. 
I guess another black guy was trying get some other elders to fight him to for some reason, so it was a wild McDonalds for the missionaries that night. Luckily nothing came of it.

Thursday was service at the prior center organizing the back room again. About froze to death back there cause it's so cold! Woulda been better off outside tracting from 10-2 then being in that place, but It was fun despite the cold.
After service there we went out and braved the cold for the rest of the day doing some stop bys and tracting.

The weekend was probably the coldest time we've had all yr. so far... From Friday to Sunday it was no warmer then - 25. 6.30 Sunday morning was - 45, had to kick the door open to get out of our place because the door was froze.
Most of Friday and Saturday we spent the day trying to keep busy with things inside but we did end up outside for a bit here and there. We found a guy named JoJo on Friday night so that was a miracle for us! Said he's Aries (our investigator) childhood friend, so that was a nice connection for us to make with him.
When we met with Aries on Sunday night we told him we met JoJo, Aries told us JoJo is a trouble maker ha-ha always causing trouble in school.

So, turns out elder Nelson and Nelson serving together is a gong show, a good gong show but a gong show non the less.
We wondered across the lake here out to an island where there some houses just to see what they looked like, but ended up in the middle of a golf course. We ended up turning around after we found a sign that said warning hole 9.... Whatever the rest of it said so that was fun, especially cause the snow was knee deep most the time.
Also found out we both have weak stomachs when it comes to 4 week old food that's been left in the fridge. I'm the better of the two of us cause K couldn't even be near the container without almost puking haha it was pretty funny. I may or may not have waved the container lid over the food towards him after he picked up the chin up bar and tried to keep me away from him. But in the end, we both about lost it while cleaning that container out. It was a blast!
We've been asked a few times by people if it's confusing having two elder Nelson's but I just tell them no we can usually remember who's who, after which K Nelson and I usually starts laughing cause we are so dumb it's funny. 

Well that was it really for our crazy cold week! 
Love ya all talk to ya next week! 

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