Friday, 24 August 2018


August 6, 2018

This week has been pretty decent. We seem to do a lot of service around here which I'm good with but that's about all we did again this week.

Did some work over at the Salvation Army sorting and tagging clothes so they could be priced out.

Helped out sis Turners mom with a surprise birthday thing she wanted to do for bro turner out on his driveway. She said "you only turn 40 once so we gotta make it good!" she brought a bright orange toilet from salvation army and a walker (she one of the head people there) 40 flamingos that we stuck up in the grass around everything, a few scare crows holding a big happy birthday sign, and a couple big 40 balloons. It looked like a wreck but that was kinda the whole point haha it was fun though.

Had a birthday lunch with the turners and Boston Pizza the next day which was Wednesday. After lunch we went up to the skate park with them and were gonna watch Lucy ride her skateboard but she forgot a helmet so she couldn't... But me and elder Sauni got to talking with a 13 yr. old kid names Nickolas who was pretty open with us after he found out we weren't FBI haha quite a few kids thought we were cops or something like that.

Played balloon tennis with the old people at the old folks home this week for a half hr. that was kinda different. We get a balloon and some badminton rackets and then we get them all in a circle and we walk around with the balloon and hit it back and forth with them a few times and then go to the next person working our way around the circle, and that's it.

Went and helped out the Friazers (our investigator family) move their other fish tank up to the main floor of their place and then played with the kids for a little after that. Araccellie their 6yr old she came up to me after she talked to her mom 3 times about if she could ask me if we would go on a walk with them later but every time she would come to ask me she would chicken out and go back to her mom. Haha eventually she came over though and asked "will you go on a walk with me later tonight after you help my dad?" so later that night we went on a walk with all of them to the skate park and played around there for a little. Me and Sauni got on Carteea's long board and we went down the street a ways on it together haha they thought we were gonna wipe out but we made it alright.

Saturday we drive down to Manitoue Beach to meet up with the turners and cheer bro turner on as he ate the pound burger and fries to try and beat the record of 24 min, which he did no problem! He finished in 18 min...!! It was pretty crazy, you kinda had to be there.

Sunday we had a lot more people at church then it sounded like we would. Sounded like we would only have us and maybe 2 other families for church but it ended up almost being fun from visitors! Mostly bro Pretes family.

Later Sunday night the branch go together and had a little birthday party for sister Bradley and Caelynn (investigator) at sister Migeachies place which was pretty good. 

This morning at 7 we went and ran hills at the high school in town here and I know what you’re probably thinking, hills what's hills you’re in SK!?.. Well they made a hill by the football field for as good as our guess is probably the same thing we used it for, running hills. So we did that then got the great Idea from FB to make tacos so we ran to the store and got all the stuff for that and made tacos for breakfast! Then the tacos led to us making a little video of us reenacting Nacho Libre the scene where Nacho makes the kids all the salads after they lost their first fight haha

And yeah that’s been us so far this week..!

Love ya all talk to you next week! 

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